Welcome to Run in the Sun!

Running, paddling, eating and drinking my way through Newport Beach.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

At the Gym

I used to go to the gym a lot before getting in good enough shape to run long distances. Back then I was obsessed with Turbo Kickboxing, spinning, and the occasional weights class, and I feel like that's when I was in my best shape ever. Since I've been running more, though, I hardly ever do anything but spin maybe once a month if I'm lucky, and I definitely do not look or feel as good as I did when I mixed it up.

One month from today I will be heading back to Kauai for a vacation, and I'm really going to try to get back in to the classes groove.

What about you? Do you feel like your in better shape when you're mixing it up or when you're running miles and miles at a time?

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