Welcome to Run in the Sun!

Running, paddling, eating and drinking my way through Newport Beach.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Confessions

The 5k this past Saturday was a success all around:

I wore my new neon yellow dry fit,

The most important part of racing: good hair.

I PR'ed and placed 2nd in my age group,

Boom: age group medal.

and the best part: my husband came in 3rd in his age group. Surprise! (Don't worry, I still beat him.)

Holy s@#$! Third place!

Besides this, though, it was a success because running finally felt good again. The last few months, running  has been a struggle; painful both physically and mentally, and difficult to make progress with. But during and after the race, I was happy to be running and felt like I could go on forever. Winning all around.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Aloha Friday!

Yes, it's Friday, and yes, I am excited. This weekend brings Halloween parties, caaaandyyyy, costumes, some paddling in the Back Bay, and you guessed it, couch time. I also am running a 5k on Saturday, so I'm hoping it also brings a new PR.... I'm shooting for under 24 minutes on a rather hilly course. But if that doesn't happen, I'll be happy as long as I beat the husband for the fourth year in a row.
Harbor Heritage Run student art work.
I will not be dressing up for the race- my butterfly wings would add some serious wind resistance.

Anyone else racing this weekend? Will you be dressing up?

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Doesn't this look awesome?
bon appetit

I am seeing a long, sunny run in my future with this to follow.

Recipe here.

What helps you get through a long run?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oh, Crap...

It took 10 days of having a blog, but it finally happened.
I was powerless to resist as I left Target with soap and a curling iron (wtf?) in tow.
I see what all the fuss is about. And now I need to go run. Blah.

p.s. I lead a run club on Wednesday nights if any local runners are interested in joining! Email me for more info if you are down to run with the people.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not in the Sun

Some days are harder than others, just like with running. Sometimes, it's the little things that make it better.

At school, it's Red Ribbon Week, when drug awareness is taught. The students received red bracelets to help them remember to make good choices. Of course, first graders don't really have drug problems. When I asked what the bracelets meant to them, as an end of the day wrap-up, one little girl shouted, "Say no to bugs!"

I had to laugh. And agree.
Bugs are bad.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Confessions

My car smells like a gym. A smelly gym, to be exact. It's probably because I keep all my shoes in it, but I'll never know for sure.

Here's the thing: I hate wearing shoes. I like driving in them even less. So, I walk barefoot to my car in the morning, drive barefoot to work, and then put on my shoes. This also makes in convenient for when I go to the gym right after work: my workout shoes and socks are already in the car, waiting for me to stink them up. Then they remain in the car, releasing their sweet stench to the best of their abilities.

I really don't notice the smell (if there is in fact a smell). But let's just say my husband calls my car The Stink Mobile for a reason.

These might smell better than my car.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Runday

I ran 7.5 miles today to the upper Back Bay and surrounding neighborhoods.

As a somewhat slower runner (I usually clock between 8 and 9 minute miles) I've decided to focus more on hills to help me get in better shape. I'm steady and I never quit, so why not take advantage of the added butt busting running hills brings?

I made this hill my bitch.
My ultimate goal is to run some trail races and eventually, an ultra. I'm hoping the added hill work will get me ready for the tough stuff.
I own you, hill!
What are some of your long term running goals?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Aloha Friday!

I love Fridays. Not just because, as a teacher, weekdays take forever to pass, but because I can get my longer runs in and then just relax. Usually these runs are followed by mimosas or some other tasty (alcoholic) treats, and it's a nice way to unwind and recover.

This weekend will be full of running, drinks, maybe some beach time, but most of all, laying down. On my couch. And finishing the final few episodes of Friday Night Lights, otherwise known as the best show ever.
via google images
Happy Friday everyone! No work 'til Monday.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Run essentials

When I'm running around sunny places like this:

there are a few things I must have before I hit the road (or sand). These include Burt's Bees lip balm, my iPhone, which I use for music as well as for mapmyrun.com since I get lost easily, sunblock on my face, and of course, sunglasses. Some people I run with think it's weird I run with shades on, but I feel way more comfortable for some reason.

Do any of you run with sunglasses on? Or is there something else you must have to feel comfortable to run for hours?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not in the Sun

This is what happens when it's cold in California:
I order a faux fur leopard coat from Zara. Awesome sauce!

Zara fur coat

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

At the Gym

I used to go to the gym a lot before getting in good enough shape to run long distances. Back then I was obsessed with Turbo Kickboxing, spinning, and the occasional weights class, and I feel like that's when I was in my best shape ever. Since I've been running more, though, I hardly ever do anything but spin maybe once a month if I'm lucky, and I definitely do not look or feel as good as I did when I mixed it up.

One month from today I will be heading back to Kauai for a vacation, and I'm really going to try to get back in to the classes groove.

What about you? Do you feel like your in better shape when you're mixing it up or when you're running miles and miles at a time?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Confessions

So here's the thing: lately I only wear sports bras. I haven't worn a regular bra in maybe 3 or 4 months. This means, that along with perpetual uniboob, I am ready to run or spin or otherwise bounce around on trampolines at a moments notice. I hate wasting time getting ready to work out, so sorry, husband. The girls will be back someday.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Way to go

I finally have a blog!

I'm heading out to a six miler with hills to help me get ready for the Harbor Heritage 5k in 2 weeks... this shouldn't be a problem since I am finally recovered from the Long Beach half marathon that I did not PR at (sniff!)

This is where I'll be running to: